Spring Seed Program Complete!

Etienne reported that the 2024 Seeds and Hand Tools program was finished in June, with a total of over 4000 pounds of seeds for food crops distributed to farm families. Seeds were loaned to farms in these communities: Bwa Pikan, Colse, Les Anglais, Chardonnieres, Bosquet, Pistel, and Les Cayes. The harvest will start in August.

TypeAmount (pounds)
Black Beans1000
Pidgeon Peas300
Bush Beans200
Sweet Potatoes?

A good harvest from these two tons of seed, plus what farmers had grown themselves or bought, should provide a lot of food for family consumption, income from sales of their produce, and seed to return to the community seed bank set up by Etienne to insure there will be plenty of high-quality seeds for next year’s planting season.