
Micro-Loans for Women

Micro-Loans for Women

We are excited to announce this new program being launched by Passion for Haiti. Most men are currently out of work in Haiti due to the corona virus and political instability, making it hard to provide for their families. Fortunately men can often find various small sources of income. But very many women in Haiti…

Photo of Etienne, an agronomy agent, and cacao plant with ripe pods

Restoring the Land

A root cause of numerous problems in Haiti is historic and continuing deforestation of the mountainous terrain, which decreases biodiversity, exacerbates drought while paradoxically causing frequent flooding, degrades water quality, and magnifies the impact of natural disasters. Beginning several years ago, Etienne enrolled volunteers to plant and nurture tree starts in a church garden in…

Interns Carrying Bagged Trees

Agronomy Internships

Etienne collaborates with American University in Les Cayes, developing and teaching agronomy and veterinary courses. Each year he trains a group of interns, including taking them into the field to work on a variety of projects including running veterinary clinics that treat thousands of farm animals, distributing livestock and knowledge about their care, and helping…

photo of interns in the Les Anglais garden

Food and Income Security

Spring Program 2024 Etienne is launching a new program this season to insure that farmers have sufficient and high-quality seeds to plant not only this year, but in each succeeding year, by establishing seed banks. Participating farmers will be grouped into local cells for education, monitoring, marketing assistance, and support. They will borrow seed to…

photo of boy and young goat

Kids 4 Kidz Goat Program

A great way to give a meaningful gift! Etienne is amping up the goat program to encompass the entire coastal area from Port Salud to Les Anglais. Up to 10 communities are targeted, with around 20 youths in each area receiving a doe (female), plus 2 bucks (male) per community. At $100/doe and $250/buck, we…

photo of interns planting vegetables in the large garden

Agronomy & Veterinary

Current projects: Goat Programs – Young goats are provided to children, along with training in their care. With the help of their families, these girls and boys raise the baby goats to provide milk, offspring (more baby goats), and meat for family use and to sell for income. In many cases, the income is used…