November 2020 Update
200,000 coffee trees, a new “Female Entrepreneur Micro Loan Program”, and more goats for kids.
The Passion for Haiti (PfH) agronomy program has been very busy with ongoing programs and developing new ones in response to the economic effects of Covid-19 and damage from extreme weather. Etienne Francois and his team are growing over 200,000 coffee trees in a nursery, and Haiti Ap Grandi will provide funds to get the plants into the fields next spring.
We’re excited to announce a new program through PfH called the “Female Entrepreneur Micro Loan Program”. Most men are currently out of work in Haiti, making it hard to provide for their families, though they can often find various small sources of income. But so many women in Haiti have no job opportunities. If their husband is not able to work or they are alone it is truly a desperate situation for them and their children.
Our other focus with PfH right now is funding a new round of the “Kids for Kidz” goat program in which Etienne and his team train young people to raise goats and build herds for their families. This a great program to engage young people in a meaningful endeavor that can fund their own education, provide support to their family, and, by gifting back their first baby goat for distribution to another child, create opportunities for more kids and families in the future.
You can sponsor a nanny goat for $60 dollars, a great gift idea, or a billy goat for $250. Go to our store to “buy” a goat in your name or that of a loved one.