Haiti Club Dine & Zoom – November 2024
Monday 11/11/24 @ 6:00pm, Szechuan Kitchen
Zoom session follows at 7pm – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84110173273
We have lots of information and announcements to share at our Haiti Club get-together and hope you can be there for dinner and fellowship, and to hear about how our Sister Church, RMI, and Etiennne are doing and what they are up to this Fall and Winter. We look forward to being together again.
Please email haiticlub@haitiapgrandi.org with questions and to let us know (nice, but not required) if you plan to attend the in-person dinner.
The Kids for Kidz goat program is gearing up for Christmas. Learn about it on our Kids for Kidz page. You might find just the right gift for a special person in the Goat Store.
We have a need, a need for seed! Etienne is developing a large farm to do demonstrations, grow crops, and share his knowledge with local farmers in Cavillion. He was granted a big piece of land by a good friend who knows what Etienne can do for the people of Haiti. See this August post for photos of early work preparing the ground for this farm. The video clip shows Etienne planting seeds by hand and feet.